Hmm.. that one not include the most horrible, worst and intolerant boss in the world, yang nak tunjuk sangat dia tu boss ( boss lah sangat konon). Zur memang hangin dengan mamat ni, dahlah mengarah ikut suka hati dia, dah tu satu hari buat kerja dia je, sampai kerja sendiri terabai. Takpe, esok zur appraisal, akan ku luahkan segala-galanya, yang penting jangan emosional..
Bila dah tension-tension tu, mulalah sibuk nak call kawan-kawan kan, sebab nak release tension. Punyalah ramai kawan tapi semua busy. Adeh..tapi terubat jugak hati bila diorang kata 'aku tipon kau balik ye' atau dalam bahasa omputehnya " i'll call you back".
Wah...wah..ni yang mak meradang ni. Cubalah kalau nak berkata-kata tu dengan niat, mesti kita buat kan. Ini punyalah confident with i'll call you back, and the worst part is i trust them and waiting the whole day for the call. Thinking to make a call again but i'm afraid that it will disturb them since zur ni boleh dikategorikan sebagai seorang yang agak bertimbangrasa (eeiiii...betullah, tak caya tanya mak zur..hehehe).
Talking about 'i'll call you back', have you ever think that when you say it, its likes a promise? Can you imagine if that people got something important to tell, or really need your help but at that time you are busy, and just say 'i'll call you back' as a reason to hang up? Think about this. Maybe she/he hurt, maybe she need somebody to talk, maybe she feel stress and want to cry..so many maybe. So..if you think you are not capable to call back for any reason, why not you send an email or sms or whatever way to tell them that you cant make a call now, or anything that wont hurt her.
This is only a piece of the story. I'm sure, lot of people facing the same problem.Yes, this is only a small matter for many people but not for me. For those who know me, if i say or promise something, you got my word. So zur tak faham kalau orang lain boleh buat macam tu, sebab benda-benda macam ni, just a simple step to do.
Well...dimana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan kan?
Akak tak pernah bagi alasan "i'll call u back" kecuali kalau betul2 sibuk...tapi janji harus tepati kan..dah kata nak call balik kena la call..kesian org yg dok tunggu call tu...
ReplyDeleteMasalahnya kak, kalau orang suka2 cakap mcm tu, kalau betul2 call balik takpelah, ini ..entahlah..manusia..