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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Marathon Day..

Salam guys,

Esok Chinese New Year. Warna Merah dah seminggu berleluasa, sana-sini pun boleh nampak tanglung tergantung-gantung, nampak sangat cantik di waktu malam. Tak payah pergi I-City, kat KL pun leh tengok. Hmm...patung rabbit pun ada banyak gak jual. Tahun ni kan tahun arnab. Orang yang lahir tahun arnab mesti cergas and cute..hehehe, so siapa yang lahir pada tahun arnab, sila angkat tangan dan senyum..

Unfortunately shopping mall not do so much sales for CNY, not even in KLCC. Oh ya, they had but it is for Valentine Day. So frustated, because im waiting my best time to get my admire Fossil watch and perfumes. I had been missed the YES sale, which is the best time to buy all stuffs, except for FOSSIL, they never had sales la, not even in a dream. KL will have public holiday starts from tomorrow, 4days include weekend. But traffic so clear since Monday, means a lot of people takes extra leave on Monday and Wednesday, so that they got 7 days holiday all together. Good plan, but of course not for me, who just came back from a trip. Kalau still nak bercuti-cuti lagi sedangkan kerja bertimbun, memang sebulan lah dapat kerlingan tajam dari bossess. Huh!

Office today so quiet, so peaceful. Tak dengar perbualan clients from Vietnam yang setiap jam 3pm akan berkumpul di pantry yang letaknya hanya sebelah bilik Zur. Kalau jam 3-4pm tu, kena tahan telinga, sebab macam-macam bahasa akan keluar, vietnam, tamil, iran bla bla bla. Bilik zur pun kurang yang keluar-masuk, siap boleh tutup pintu dan buat kerja sendiri diam-diam sebab masing-masing buat tak reti je. Tapi, ingatkan ramai org cuti maka kuranglah kerja, bolehlah bersenang-lenang tapi alahai.... Dari pagi marathon, so skang, end of the day, bila dah siap kerja-kerja yang urgent, baru terasa keletihan yang amat sangat...keletihan tahap gaban!.. Keletihan yang membuatkan nak angkat kaki pun dan tak larat dah ni, rasa macam nak merangkak je...huhuhuhuhu.

But it's ok, at least i can go for holiday peacefully and when i in to office on Monday, not so much things to do. Hopefully lah kan.

Oh ya, to all my Chinese viewers (ada ke?), i would like to take this opprtunity to wish u, Happy Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai, and to other friends, happy holiday. Drive carefully ya, semoga selamat pergi dan pulang.

To my love one here is message of the day:

fROM the BottOM of HeaRT..

Kata zur: Life without LOVE is just like a tree without  fruits and blossom...pale and useless!


  1. singgah sini... emm CNY pun zura keja ke..?

  2. marina, thanks sbb singgah. CNY kerja, biasalah, kuli mcm tu lah, huhuhuhu



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